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May we embrace the love within and around through the healing benefits of music, meditation, the power of our heart's voices, the peace within the spirit of commUNITY.
We are ALL worthy of feeling heard.

For the list of all upcoming events please see Home Page.



In a world where most aspects of our lives are formed around judgments about ourselves and others, may we learn to "create conscious compassion" that ripples lovingly from our hearts to others through our thoughts, spoken word and actions. May we remove mental and emotional blockages to align the wisdom in our hearts with the intelligence within our minds to put to action the building of bridges between humans instead of burning bridges with judgment, comparison and more.
"Creating Conscious Compassion" is an event which I have created to expand the awareness of grade school and college students about how to release judgement towards oneself and others. Through sharing my personal experiences with active addiction and the recovery process from substance addiction, mental and emotional health, students will have the opportunity to self-introspect their personal lives and let go of what is not serving them with love and compassion. The focus of this presentation is to provide students with some holistic approaches for self-reflection, self-love and self-nurture. Students will have the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of how to embody a more loving and compassionate presence towards oneself and others.

The presentation will begin with motivational speaking along with a few short, guided meditations to release judgement towards oneself and another person. Following the motivational speaking segment of this presentation I will perform a few original compositions. These original songs are written and performed to embody inspiration for to face all fears and other challenges in our lives with love and gentleness towards oneself.

For presentations with smaller classes, we will end with a guided through a group songwriting workshop. With a larger number of students everyone will be prompted to write a personal poem they can refer to any time they need an uplifting message.


It is with a deep trust that this presentation can provide an opportunity for everyone present to return to humanKIND.


These events are offered in middle schools, high schools, universities and any other space that aligns with a likeminded interest, passion or importance for the topics of releasing judgment, substance addiction and mental/emotional health. 

Music Sheets

Community Music Circles

CommUNITY Music Circles are designed to give songwriters of any beginner to professional level an opportunity to tap into their gifts with intention of bringing love into their creative writing for the healing of themselves and their audience. You don't have to be a musician to attend, if you enjoy music, creative writing and trying new commUNITY focused events these workshops could be wonderful for you!


During these commUNITY music circles we will first have the opportunity to introduce ourselves, sharing where we are all at that day. Then you will be guided through a few short meditations that will give you space to let go of anything you walked through the door with: heavy thoughts, fears, anxieties, anger, stress or troubles of any kind to open to the vibrations of love, fun, creativity and inner child play! The space created in these workshops is a safe space for vulnerability and you will be supported and nurtured with love through any releases you may have. Once these meditations are complete we will begin the group songwriting! Everyone will split into groups and have a different subtopic off from the same theme of the day. You will be given a specific length of time to create a song with your group. When time is up each group will have the opportunity to perform their song for the other groups! 

All that is required for your attendance is an open mind and the willingness to heal, grow and have fun! This is a workshop that involves lots of inner child play and focus on expanding our creativity. 

**Just a reminder this is open to anyone even if you don't play any instruments, but if you DO play an instrument then please bring it! If you have access to drums, shakers or other hand percussive instruments please bring those as well!

Songwriting for the Soul (Individual Sessions)

Are you a songwriter seeking inspiration to create music that has more optimistic or inspiring messages?  Do you feel blocked creatively, and have a burning desire to clear the blockage and light up your heart with music again?
Have you always wanted to try learning an instrument or expand your abilities in creative writing?
Do you have some heavy emotions, thoughts and/or experiences you are healing from and are interested in trying a new holistic approach?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it would be an honor to hold space with you and sit with you in an individual "Songwriting For The Soul" session!

During a Songwriting for the Soul session, you will experience:
~Guided meditations created on-the-spot depending on your mental & emotional needs at time of session ~Creative writing is inspired by the guided meditations. Open discussion to work through any thoughts, feelings or emotions that arise will be addressed with respect and compassion so you can release and heal.
~Songwriting tips or techniques for expanding, developing and discovering your creative writing style
~Opportunity to write your own song on the spot!
~Opportunity to put your song to music if you do not know how to play an instrument and would like to learn your song on piano, guitar or ukulele. If you do not wish to learn how to play an instrument but would prefer me to add the instrumentation, you will be able to write your melody and sing along with me while I help create your instrumentation!

These sessions give the opportunity to delve deep into emotional, mental, physical and spiritual imablances which have been blocking your creative life force energy from flowing organically. You are worthy and INFINITELY CAPABLE of creating all things from that love within your heart...for this love is infinite, unconditional, and is who you truly are! Let's grow <3

Exchange per session: $60-$100 sliding scale 
Any individual sessions are offered remotely as well.



These guided meditations are offered as individual sessions as well as workshops. They consist of a guided meditation experience which is channeled specifically for you at the time of the event.

In a workshop setting, the guided meditation will take you on a visual journey into a celestial experience into your heart cave, connecting with the Spirit Keepers of Mother Earth, a hike up a mountain, activation of your Soul Star DNA and more through a visual story that will expand your Clair Senses, heighten your ability to access your Infinite Consciousness from a vibration of Infinite Love while elevating your awareness of the "Self"  being Infinite Love.

We are not separate from vibrations of Infinite Love: we ARE Infinite Love. When we release the lower vibrational emotions we allow ourselves to return to the love in our hearts and experience any situation with clarity from a place of love.


"When you understand that form is the form of the formless, coming and going takes no place but where you are...when you understand that thought is the thought of the thoughtless, your singing and dancing is like no other than the voice of the Dharma."

Every meditation will have moments where the story is on pause and a sound bath experience will hold space for any integration, reflection and inner expansion to create a personalized inner experience of the journey. Though the meditation will be the same storyline for every person attending, your experience may be completely different from the person next to you.

Transcendental Music Meditations offered as workshops AND if desired, individual sessions upon request.


During an individual Transcendental Music Meditation experience you will experience:
~Intuitive reading with channeled messages from your higher self 
~Personalized, channeled guided meditation with musical sound bath experience
~Time for integration
~Space to ask questions
~Opportunity to learn intuitive techniques for self-healing with sound, meditation.)

For attendance please bring:

~water bottle
~a yoga mat, blanket and/or anything else you may prefer to lay on and cover up with


Individual Session: $60-$100 sliding scale



Cacao ceremonies are a heart-based experience which allow you as the participant to illuminate any blockages within your internal and external realms of wellness. These energetic blockages are caused by any form of trauma or other challenges we may have experienced previously or are currently facing in our lives. The heart when in balance, radiates love but when our heart chakra is imbalanced it is blocked by grief. During these ceremonies, y
ou Mama Cacao will guide you through an expansive ceremony in her honor, which will begin with an opening prayer sending gratitude and love to the natural elements of Grandmother Earth. You will have the opportunity to have your own experience in ceremony, these ceremonies are facilitated for anyone who has been to a cacao ceremony and is a first-time attendee. After moments of silence your journey will continue with light encoded musical sound bath channeling the vibrations of Love from Mama Cacao for illumination of your experience. You are welcome to lay down, sit, stretch or however you feel it resonates for you to listen to Mama Cacao and allow your love to flow. 

During these musical medicine and cacao journeys, your personal experience will be very specific to you: your needs, wants and how deep you choose to look into your personal healing will be honored and supported. No two experiences will be alike, and you will only learn as much as you are open to learning.

The Cacao I currently have to offer is from a farm in the Cahabon region of Alta Verapaz, nestled within a Guatemalan Cloud Forest. 
Cacao ceremonies are offered in group settings, private at-home events or individual sessions per request.



Gift yourself or someone you love with an intuitive reading where your higher self is channeled into a song written specifically for you! 
You will receive messages of inspiration, love, gentleness and healing in a creative expression of music where lyrics and light encoded tones will be sung in a melodic way, aligning with the vibration of guitar or piano tuned to 432 HZ frequency.
You will receive a recording of your intuitively channeled song to listen to at any time you feel called to or feel necessary for healing. This is perfect if you are experieneing a transition that you feel you would benefit from some extra spiritual support to ease any tension during your transformation.
You are safe to heal, you are safe to be at peace and you are worthy of being happy!
You are loved, and you are love.

You will receive your recording within 7-11 days of payment for your song.

Please contact me via email, Instagram or Facebook to purchase!


Energy exchange is $60-$100 sliding scale

Playing Piano
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